Published: 2019-12-25
“中国语言与文化”专业留学生本科项目简章 UNDERGRADUATE COURSE “CHINESE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE STUDIES BA” FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SCHOOL OF CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY 联系方式 CONTACT INFORMATION 地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号 邮编:100875 电话:010-58807998 传真:010-58805592 网址://onlinebjl.com 电子邮件:bnuonlinebjl.com Address: No. 19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100875, People’s Republic of China Tel: 010-58807998 Fax: 010-58805592 Website: //onlinebjl.com E-mail: bnuonlinebjl.com 项目概况 PROGRAM OVERVIEW 线上百家乐-百家乐在线游戏
“中国语言与文化”本科专业致力于培养知华、友华的国际学生。具体培养目标包括: 培养学生系统掌握汉语言文化知识,具有在社会生活领域内进行较高层次、较大范围汉语交际的能力,听、说、读、写、译各语言技能全面发展,能够使用汉语准确得体地进行口头表达及书面成篇,基本适应不同语体需要,对汉语的文化背景和语义内涵具有比较深入的了解; 引导学生了解中国文化,通晓中国国情,理解中国社会现状,公平公正地看待并解决中国相关问题; 依托北京师范大学人文与社会学科的综合优势,整合学校法学、政治学、经济学、国际关系、新闻传媒、艺术体育等教学资源,通过多学科复合课程,使学习者了解当代中国经济、政策、法规、风俗等,适应中国政治、社会及市场环境,提高运用汉语进行商贸、管理、外交等活动的实际能力,并培养学生跨学科、跨领域学习的基本能力,造就适合国际需求的复合型人才。 The undergraduate course “Chinese Language and Culture Studies BA” at School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University is dedicated to cultivating international students’ understanding and enthusiasm about China. The specific educational objectives are pursued as follows. Overall Language Proficiency in Chinese: To master the knowledge of Chinese language precisely and comprehensively. To acquire the communicative competence appropriate to the full range of needs for social activities. To have all-round skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing in productive, receptive and interactive tasks, and to be enabled to mediate through translation and interpretation as well. To adjust to style changes and to appreciate register shifts. To understand conventional context, expressions of folk-wisdom, implicit as well as explicit meanings. Awareness of China’s Traditions and Actual Situations: To understand the diversity of Chinese traditional culture and the status quo of China's society. To acquire an ability to view and cope with China-related issues from a fair and impartial perspective. Extensive Intelligence About China’s Politics and Economics: To apply interdisciplinary approaches to present China affairs by integrating the instructional resources of arts, humanities and social sciences of Beijing Normal University. To get familiar with China’s government and policies, laws and regulations, administrative procedures, social customs, diplomatic relations, finance and trade, journalism and media, etc. 就业与升学前景 GRADUATE DESTINATIONS 本专业就业前景广阔,既可以在华实习、就业与创业,也将具备实力参与全球化人才竞争,在本国和世界范围内从事中国相关事务,具体涵盖: 国家政府部门 | 外交、移民、情报信息 中资企业或在华外企 | 国际商务、市场营销、管理咨询、公关人事、后勤物流 语言培训机构、中小学 | 汉语二语教学 新闻、出版与传媒 | 记者、写作、编辑、翻译 第三方机构 | 国际组织、公益慈善团体、志愿服务 旅游业 | 航空公司、旅行社、酒店管理 本专业学生拥有多元化的升学领域。丰富的汉语言及文化类选修课程为学生未来进一步深入学习汉语语言学、古代汉语、中国文学等提供路径。引导学生选修多维度、跨学科的复合课程,为学生今后在涉华背景下选择更专业的领域继续深造指明方向。 There is a very bright career prospect for the graduates, who can either strive for work placement, employment or entrepreneurship within China, or engage in Chinese affairs in the global competition for talent, particularly covering: Local Government | Diplomacy, Immigration Service, Intelligence Agency Chinese-funded Enterprises or Foreign Companies in China | International Business, Marketing and PR, Sales and Advertising, Management Consultancy, HR, Logistics Language Institutes, Primary and Secondary Schools | Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Journalism, Media and Publishing | Reporting, Copywriting, Editing, Translation Third Sector | World Organization, Charity, Voluntary Group Tourism | Airline, Travel Agency, Hotel Graduates in this major have a wide variety of fields for further studies. The ample electives provide the path to advance in Chinese linguistics, Classical Chinese, Chinese literature and so forth. Likewise, the multi-dimensional curriculum inspires students towards a more professional discipline in the future. 学制、学位、申请与合作 DURATION, DEGREE, APPLICATION AND COOPERATION 本专业学制四年,毕业授予文学学士学位。 申请条件与程序,详见北京师范大学留学生办公室网站//iso.onlinebjl.com/cn/index 学费24,000元人民币/学年。 授课语言 本专业积极寻求合作,与海外高校开展联合培养,形式多样。比如与海外高校优势人文、社会学科课程对接,侧重某一学术或应用领域,鼓励学生来华进行沉浸式语言学习、参与在华专业实习等。学制:学生在海外高校学习两年,分别为第一、第四学年;在线上百家乐-百家乐在线游戏
学习两年,分别为第二、第三学年。两校互认学分,颁发双学士学位证书。 Study Period: 4 Years Certification: BA in Chinese Language and Culture Studies from Beijing Normal University Tuition Fee: 24,000 RMB/Year Requirements and Applying Procedure: Please log on to the Website of International Students Office, Beijing Normal University //iso.onlinebjl.com for detailed information. This program seeks cooperation and conducts joint student cultivation with overseas higher learning institutions in various forms, such as merging the lecture characteristics of the respective preponderant disciplines into teaching modules. Graduates can achieve dual certification from the both universities after accomplishing the four-year course, that is, spending years one and four in the cooperative university and years two and three in Beijing for a language immersion. Vocational employability can be also embedded in the course with an integral internship opportunity included in Year 3 in Beijing.