Thomas DuBois(杜博思)
发布时间: 2019-12-09
Thomas DuBois 杜博思,现任线上百家乐
民间文学研究所教授。来自美国印第安纳州,1992年芝加哥大学本科毕业,2001年获得加利福尼亚州大学、洛杉矶分校博士学位,先后在美国、新加坡、澳大利亚等国大学任教,在20多个国家开展过研究并发表学术论文,在中国多个省市做过调查研究。近几年从事畜牧生产、牛奶及牛肉产业链以及饮食生产及其文化反应等领域的研究。 学术书库:// 电子信箱: [email protected] 微信: thomas-dubois 教育及工作简历 2019~ 任线上百家乐-百家乐在线游戏
教授 2018 复旦大学发展研究中心访问学者 2017 香港中文大学,历史人类学项目访问学者 2013~2017 澳大利亚国立大学亚太学院,历史文化语言所副所长,高端研究员 2003~2012 新加坡国立大学历史系,副教授 2001~2002 华盛顿大学宗教学博士后 1994~2001 加利福尼亚州大学,洛杉矶分校中国现代历史学系,获史学博士学位 1997~1998 天津社会科学院访问学者 1988~1992 芝加哥大学汉语与社会科学学系,获本科,硕士学位 主要学术成果 专著 - Empire and the Meaning of Religion in Northeast Asia: Manchuria 1900–1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2017). 249 pp. - Religion and the Making of Modern East Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2011). 244 pp. - Sacred Village: Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005). 275 pp. 编著 - Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide. 23 chapters. with Jan Kiely (Routledge, 2019) - Agricultural production and Rural transformation, Volume 1 of “Historical Studies of Contemporary China” with Huaiyin Li (Brill, 2016) - Casting Faiths: Imperialism and the Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) - 译著 - Religious Studies and Marxist Approaches to Religions in China, trans. Chi Zhen and Thomas David DuBois, Volume 4 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill 2014). 原本:吕大吉, 龚学增編《當代中國研究精選叢書:宗教学教卷,马克思主义卷》. 民族出版社, 2008 - Folk Religions and Shamanism, trans. Chi Zhen and Thomas David DuBois (348 of 497 pp.) Volume 1 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill, 2011). Edited English translation of Ma Xisha and Meng Huiying, eds. (原本:马西沙編《當代中國研究精選叢書:民間宗教卷》. 民族出版社, 2008) 论文 2020 - “Trends in China Food History: Commodity, Consumption and Cuisine” Global Food History (2020) - “Milk from the Butterfly Spring: State-enterprise alliance in China’s dairy industry” Rural China/乡土中国 (2020) - “Borden and Nestlé in East Asia, 1870-1929: Branding and retail strategy in the condensed milk trade” Business History (2020) - “Religious violence in early modern East Asia” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume 3: AD 1500-AD 1800, ed. Robert Antony, Stuart Carroll, and Caroline Dodds Pennock. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020) - “Religious violence in China since 1850” in The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume 4: AD 1800-AD 2000, ed. Louise Edwards, Nigel Penn, and Jay Winter. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020) 2019 - “Walking a production chain: An interdisciplinary approach to method and meaning” in Fieldwork in Modern Chinese History: A Research Guide. DuBois and Jan Kiely, eds. (Routledge, 2019) - (中文翻译) 杜博思:行走在生产链上《民间文化论坛》Liu Yiling, tr., (1) 2019, 33-40. - “China eats—Chinese Food Brands at the Hangzhou Innovation Forum” Alicia E and Thomas DuBois, Asia Pacific Journal <//> - “Many roads from pasture to plate: A commodity chain approach to China’s beef trade, 1732-1931” Journal of Global History, 1 (2019): 22-43. - “China’s dairy century - making, drinking and dreaming of milk” in Rotem Kowner, Guy Bar-Oz, Michal Biran, Meir Shahar, Gideon Shelach, eds., Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical and Ethical Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) - “Conversations with Two (Possibly) Buddhist Folk Healers in China” in Pierce Salguero, ed. Buddhism & Medicine: An Anthology Vol 2: Modern and Contemporary Voices (Columbia University Press, 2019) - “Be a civilized citizen!” Corporate Social Responsibility and the new Chinese secular” Centre for Advanced Studies on "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities”. 2018 - “In the Center of It All: Thoughts from the Edges of Empire” in From Chinggis to Qing: Empire in Asia: A New Global History, ed. Jack Fairey and Brian P. Farrell (Bloomsbury, 2018) - “Religious freedom in East Asia: Historical norms and the limits of advocacy” Journal of Religious and Political Practice 1 (2018) 2017 - “Big meat: The rise and impact of mega-farming in China’s beef, sheep and dairy industries” Alisha Gao and Thomas DuBois, Asia Pacific Journal <//> - “Идеология и контроль: Инструменты авторитаризма в Японской Маньчжурии” [Ideology and control: Instruments of authoritarianism in Japanese Manchuria]” (Tr. L.A. Katz), Bereginya 2 (28) special issue on global fascism, ed. Alexander Bogdashkin, (2017), 291-302 - “Welfare provision during the new Republic and the interwar period” in Handbook of Welfare in China, eds. Johanna Hood and Beatriz Carillo Garcia (Edward Elgar, 2017): 29-44. 2016 - “Chinese Agriculture and Rural Development Reexamined: Western and Chinese Perspectives.” Huaiyin Li and Thomas DuBois, Introduction to idem., eds. Agricultural production and Rural transformation, Volume 1 of “Historical Studies of Contemporary China” (Brill, 2016): 1-24 - “Local Religion and Festivals” in eds. Vincent Goossaert, Jan Kiely and John Lagerwey, Modern Chinese Religion, 1850-present (Brill, 2016), 371-400 2015 - “Before the NGO: Chinese charities in historical perspective,” Asian Studies Review (December 2015), 541-552 2014 - “Public health and private charity in Northeast China, 1905-1945,” Frontiers of History in China, (4) 2014, 506-533 - “Chinese folk rituals” in eds. Bryan Turner and Oscar Salemink, Handbook of Asian Religions (Routledge, 2014), 209-218 - “Opiate of the Masses with Chinese Characteristics: recent Chinese scholarship on the meaning and future of religion.” Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois, Introduction to Lü Daji and Gong Xuezeng, eds. Religious Studies and Marxist Approaches to Religions in China, trans. Chi Zhen, Volume 4 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series (Brill 2014), 1-20 - Prepublication version as Asia Research Institute Working Paper 213 2011 - “The salvation of religion? Public charity and the new religions of the early Republic,” Minsu quyi, 172, June 2011, 73-126 - Revised for publication in Charities in the Non-Western World: The Development and Regulation of Indigenous and Islamic Charities, eds. Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown and Justin Pierce, (Routledge, 2013), 115-146 - Introduction to Ma Xisha and Meng Huiying, ed. Folk Religions and Shamanism. Volume 1 of “Selected Research on Modern Chinese Religions” series. Part 1 tr. Chi Zhen and Thomas DuBois (Brill, 2011), 1-18 2010 - 杜博思: 从局外人到局内人:一个历史学家眼中的乡村调查, 《中国社会科学报》2010年 - “Inauthentic sovereignty: Law and legal institutions in Manchukuo,” Journal of Asian Studies, 69, 3 August 2010, 749-770 - “Religion and the Chinese State: Three Crises and a Solution,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 (3), 2010, 344-358 2009 - 杜博思:神靈、教派、香頭——地方文化中的宗教知識,《民俗研究》4期,2009年 - “The transformation of religion in East and Southeast Asia – paradigmatic change in regional perspective” (Book introduction) in ed. DuBois, Casting Faiths, 1-19 - “Japanese media and Manchurian Cultural Community: Religion in the Shengjing Times, 1907-1944” in ed. DuBois, Casting Faiths, 217-238 2008 - “Manchukuo’s filial sons: States, sects and the transformation of graveside piety,” East Asian History, Vol. 35, December 2008 - (中文翻译) 杜博思:滿洲國’的孝子:國家,宗教,以及守墓行為的適應性演變《民俗研究》3期, 2010年 2006 - “Rule of Law in a Brave New Empire: Legal Rhetoric and Practice in Manchukuo,” Law and History Review, Vol. 26: 2, 2008, 285-317 - “Local religion and the cultural imaginary: the development of Japanese ethnography in occupied Manchuria,” American Historical Review, Vol. 111: 1, February 2006, 52-74 - (中文翻译) 杜博思:思想之帝国:满洲民俗学与亚洲社会科学的长期变迁《民俗研究》2012年 2005 - “Imperialism, Hegemony and the Construction of Religion in East and Southeast Asia” History & Theory, Vol. 44 (4), Theorizing Empire theme issue, December 2005, 113-131 - Reprinted in Ashgate International Library of Essays on Rights, ed. Lorenzo Zucca (Ashgate, 2015) 2004 - “Village Community and the Reconstruction of Religious Life in Rural North China” in ed. John Lagerwey, Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field (Paris: Ecole Français d’Extrême-Orient and Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2004), 837-868 学术访谈和杂记 “The Driving Forces Behind China’s Agri-Food FDI” Asia Global Online, August 15, 2019. // “China’s Dairy Industry Going Big” Asia Global Online, March 8, 2018. // “China’s Religion Law and the Perils of Counting Consciousness” Chinoiresie, 26 September, 2016. // “Asia and the Old World Order” History Today, 63 (3), 2013. (含越南语,阿拉伯语,俄语翻译文)